My Waka {3D Waka Taua foldable + 40 page Mini booklet}


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“He waka eke noa – we’re all in this together!”

A waka is such a powerful visual symbol of your class moving forward together as a team! Share this unique Māori tradition with your class as you delve into some of the rich traditions and history surrounding the creation of waka.

This ‘My Waka’ resource is packed full of fun facts and a wide variety of activities. It includes a 40 page mini booklet designed to support your teaching and learning around the topics of waka history and creation. Learn about the parts of a Waka taua (war canoe) by using the template included to construct a 3D model of this iconic vessel.

Please check out the preview for a closer look at the resources in this pack! Included in this resource are:Learn the parts of a Waka taua: 

• A4 cut and paste sheet (use the labels to name the parts of the Waka taua (plus answer sheet)
• 3D Waka taua model template. Choose from a selection of prow/stern posts, then colour cut and assemble your templates to create your own 3D waka taua (***PLEASE NOTE the 3D Waka taua model portion of this resource will be available separately in the near future as part of our ‘Kiwiana Make & Take’ series: letter W = Waka)

40 page My Waka mini booklet ~ topics covered include: 

• Basic information about the importance of waka to Māori
• Use the map of Aotearoa to show where the waka of your iwi came ashore
• A timeline of waka use in Aotearoa (from Maui fishing up NZ to today!)
• Information about evolving waka designs in NZ from double to single hull
• Places for sketching carved Prow/stern posts and other details
• Read information about the some different types of waka (Waka taua, waka tētē, waka tangata & Mōkihi) before illustrating
• Row, row, row your waka… have a go at re-writing this common nursery rhyme with lyrics that share information about your waka
• Waka eye spy/scavenger hunt (e.g. find and read some books about waka, watch some modern day waka ama racing, find out the name on an ancestor who arrived in a legendary canoe….)
• The beginnings of a waka – learn about how Māori chose and prepared a tree for felling
• Felling a tree – how would you cut down a massive tree with no metal or electrical tools? Brainstorm then research
• Add the vowels to complete the waka themed words
• A Waka can/has/is writing prompt
• Names of the most well-known 7 legendary waka (plus space for recording other waka…. Did you know there were at least 40?)
• Talk with a waka paddler, carver or builder about their special role in bringing a waka to life
• Many Waka taua contain beautiful carvings that tell special stories…. Speak with a Kaumatua about the stories on your waka
• Did you know that all waka have a name? Complete the fact file to learn more about your waka
• Match the waka themed words to the word shapes
• Compare and contrast the movie Moana with the waka legend of your iwi. What is the same? What is different?
• Information about Waka taua kawa & tikanga (protocols and rules)
• Learn about how Moriori excelled at building rafts. Design and test your own
• Information about how the carving was done
• Read an illustrate the words of Augustus Earle in 1827 as he describes the “dozen superb war canoes” he saw in the Bay of Islands
• Use a Māori dictionary to find the translations for paddle, anchor, sail, bailer and punting pole. What were these objects made out of?
• Add some more kaihoe (paddlers) to the waka picture by drawing them in
• Things to think about…. What is the ‘Great Fleet Theory?’ what do your Kaumatua think? Did women traditionally paddle waka? Why? Why not? Who could you ask to find our more? Why is it important to include information about your waka in your mihi/pepeha?
• What were Waka taua used for then and now?
• 6 true or false waka questions (plus answers)
• Information about our Pacific Island cousins use of waka/vaka
• Translate these ‘waka-words’ (e.g. wakatopatopa = helicopter!)
• Waka facts and questions (plus answers)
• Waka themed word find (plus answers)
• Waka themed blank writing recording sheets
• Do you live on the waka or the fish? Information about the legend of Maui fishing up Aotearoa
• 10 waka themed challenges (create an artwork inspired by the carving on a waka taua, learn a new waka song and make up some actions to match etc.)
• Waka themed acrostic poem template