New Zealand Creatures of the Land & Streams Clip Art


Our resources are available as INSTANT DIGITAL DOWNLOADS – no physical resources will be shipped! This download is a ZIP FILE containing high quality images (300 dpi) in PNG format with transparent backgrounds.


This product can only be purchased by members. To purchase this product, sign up by purchasing Large School (10-20 teachers), Small School (6-10 teachers), Small Team (up to 5 teachers) or Membership (Single).


New Zealand’s lack of mammals (apart from our native bats) has given lots of other interesting creatures a chance to shine! This selection of clip art contains some of the rarely seen but fascinating animals (including insects, invertebrates and reptiles) that are found in New Zealand’s bush and waters…

This set contains 32 images (16 colour and 16 blackline) as high quality (300 dpi) PNGs with transparent backgrounds. 

*PLEASE NOTE: This set of images have all been hand drawn and coloured, and because of this may contain quirks and unevenness in places – this is all part of their unique charm and character! As they are hand drawn, they may not be suitable for including in documents larger than A4/US Letter size. Please ask if you have further questions. 


• Tuatara
• Long finned Eel (Tuna)
• Long tailed bat (Pekapeka)
• Common skink (Mokomoko)
• Harlequin gecko (Pāpā)
• Hochstetter’s frog (Pepeketua)
• Inanga/Kōkopu (Whitebait)
• **Glowworms (Titiwai)
• **Katipo Spider
• **Red Admiral Butterfly (Kahukura)
• **Cicada (kikihi)
• **Huhu Beetle & Grub
• **Flax Snail (Pūpū Harakeke)
• **Kauri Snail (Pūpū Rangi)
• **Weta
• **Puriri Moth

***PLEASE NOTE*** Images marked with an asterix (the creepy crawlies!) are also included in our New Zealand Native Bugs Clip Art {Insects, Spiders & Invertebrates}.

• Get creative with this set for your classroom or own personal use!
• Use them to create educational resources for sale (small commercial use)
• Use clip art within your blog, banners and promotional materials.

• You may not alter, resell, share or distribute these ‘as is’ images in any form— they need to incorporated into your resource.
• Use these graphics for commercial teaching products or free items WITHOUT FIRST FLATTENING your documents in PDF form or protected in a way that they cannot be easily copied or extracted.
• When you purchase Green Grubs Graphics, you are not purchasing the copyright and you cannot claim them as your own.