NZ Birds of the streams and wetlands Collaborative Poster


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Celebrate Aotearoa’s diverse flora and fauna with this ‘Birds of the streams and wetlands’ collaborative poster!


This Collaborative poster features 32 A4 pages which assemble to make a large wall display (1.7 X 1.2 metres in size)


This collaborative poster is part TWO of a set of THREE!

  • The 3 sets connect together to create a MASSIVE 96 piece collaborative poster over 4.5 metres long.
  • Perfect for a syndicate to work on together, or complete one a term and add on to your display as your learning journey unfolds
  • The posters flow left to right from the bush & hills in poster 1, down through streams and wetlands in poster 2, and eventually ending up on the coast with poster 3.
  • Each poster contains native trees, plants, insects, birds and other native creatures that call those habitats home.
  • Each creature and plant/tree is labelled in both Māori & English


  • Simply print the black and white colouring pages provided and hand out one piece to each pupil to colour before assembling to create a large poster.
  • This set contains 32 pieces (hopefully no one has a class size larger than that!) In every collaborative poster, some pieces contain more detail than others—you can always hand out detailed pieces first & save the less complicated pieces for the early finishers.
  • You could choose to keep the completed image a secret (only to be revealed once it’s assembled) or share the completed image before starting to help guide their colour choices.
  • Wanting a more independent/individual activity? Print the included colouring sheet option in A4 or A3 and enjoy!
  • Looking for accuracy with colouring? Print and assemble the poster before colouring to allow research into each creature prior to choosing colours

This specific poster features the following NZ native creatures:

  • Kōtare/kingfisher
  • Whio/blue duck
  • Mokomoko/skink/gecko
  • Uruururoroa/dragonfly
  • Kōtuku/white heron
  • Pūpū harakeke/flax snail
  • Karuhiruhi/pied shag
  • Peketua/Hochstetter’s frog
  • Tuna/eel
  • Pātiki/flounder
  • Ngata/leaf veined slug
  • Pukeko
  • Kōkopu/whitebait
  • Matuku moana/heron
  • Kikihi/cicada
  • Matuku/bittern
  • Rō/stick insect/praying mantis

This specific poster features the following NZ native trees and plants:

  • Kahikatea
  • Ponga/silver tree fern
  • Toetoe
  • Harakeke/flax
  • Tī Kōuka/cabbage tree
  • Manawa/mangrove