What’s the time? {Maori clock labels}


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Ko te aha te wā Tā Wuruhi? (What’s the time Mr Wolf?) This set is the perfect accompaniment to your classroom wall clock! Simply print, laminate and arrange the bright bilingual labels around your clock and use the question and answer prompts to get the conversation flowing…

This ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf?’ label pack includes: 

• A set of bilingual circular & arrow number labels that are designed to be printed, laminated and arranged around your classroom wall clock. The labels are colour co-ordinated for ease of assemblage and understanding: 0-30 MINUTES PAST IN YELLOW, 30-60 MINUTES TO IN BLUE & O’CLOCKS/HALF PAST & GENERAL TIME LABELS IN RED
• A set of question and answer prompts (Māori in large font & English small) that are colour co-ordinated to match the clock labelling
• A variety of wordings for the question prompt ‘What’s the time?’ including: “Ko te aha te wā?”, “Ko te aha te wā Tā Wuruhi?”, “He aha te taimā?”, “He aha te wā?” & “He aha te wā Tā Wuruhi?
• A variety of colour coordinated phrase templates to answer “what’s the time?” Including: “it’s ____ minutes past/to____”, “It’s quarter past ______”, “It’s half past _____” & “It’s quarter to ______”
• A set of illustrated vocabulary labels (Māori in large font & English small) including the words: clock, wrist watch, analogue, digital, in the morning, in the night, in the afternoon, in the evening, midday, midnight, o’clock, second, minute, hour, day, month & year.