WORMS! {A booklet of activities celebrating earthworms & worm farming}


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Wormy, Wormy Goodness!

Celebrating the recent opening of your schools worm farm? Looking for something fun to end your worm unit with? Getting your class involved with recycling, composting or worm farming? Just want to show some appreciation for these underground-un-glamorous and unappreciated invertebrates? Then these are the activities for you! Packed full of fun, slimy worm activities that celebrate the amazing things worms do for our gardens.

• Tips about how best to set up and manage a worm farm at your school
• How to organise collecting your classroom and school wide food scraps
• A list of DO’s and DON’T’s to feed your worms (a list and sorting activity labels/wall display labels)
• Wall display posters
• Worm food labels for laminating (to label your food scraps containers)
• Life cycle of the Earthworm sequencing sheets in black and white and color

38 page Wonderful Worm Booklet ~ page topics include: 

• How to make a wormery in a jar
• What’s the difference between ‘red wrigglers’/’tiger worms’ and normal earthworms?
• What do you throw out at home that could be recycled and made into compost?
• How to make a ‘cup of worms in dirt’ (kids dessert recipe)
• Use some string to measure out the length of the world’s longest earth worm (6.7 metres long/22 feet!)
• A wormy word find
• Complete the “A worm has/is/can” sheet
• Label the external anatomy of an earth worm
• What are the worms doing underground? (Draw in a maze of tunnels)
• Interesting worm facts
• Silly worm jokes
• Add the vowels to complete the worm words
• Worm acrostic poem
• Worm coloring pages
• Where do food scraps that don’t get recycled end up?
• Sketching pages
• Go on a worm hunt and sketch a map of your garden showing the locations of your wormy finds!
• Things to think about….. Why do you think some people really dislike worms? Share your thoughts
• I read……. Share your top 3 most interesting facts from your favourite non-fiction worm book
• What do worms like to eat? (Coloring/sorting page)
• Worm themed maze
• Earthworm life cycle activities
• 10 worm challenges (rescue a worm that’s come to the surface of the ground after heavy rain; enjoy a bowl of ‘Worms-in-dirt’ (Spaghetti bolognaise!); create some worm art using paint and string etc.)
• Look at a worm under a magnifying glass and use adjectives to describe it
• Plus more…..