12 Days of Kiwi Christmas Clip Art


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This fun clip art set includes images to match this kiwi Christmas classic (*sing along everyone!*)
….12 piupiu swinging, 11 haka lessons, 10 juicy fish heads, 9 sacks of pipi, 8 plants of puha, 7 eel a-swimming, 6 poi a-twirling….5 – big – fat – pigs! 4 huhu grubs, 3 flax kits, 2 kumara & a pūkeko in a ponga tree!
*This set contains 52 images (26 colour and 26 blackline) as high quality PNGs with transparent backgrounds.
  • Piupiu
  • Tāne doing the haka
  • Basket full of 10 fish heads, empty basket, plus 3 different fish heads
  • Sack full of pipi, plus empty sack
  • Puha plant, plus sack full of plants
  • Eel
  • Poi (2 individual poi, plus poi in a pair)
  • Wild pig
  • Huhu grubs (2 single grubs, a pair and an image of 4 together)
  • Kete
  • Kumara (one golden, one purple and as a pair)
  • Pūkeko & Ponga tree (both individually and together)