I shared the following post on social media last month and WHEW! It obviously touch a nerve with our teachers as it was shared over 1,300 times and viewed by nearly 150,000 people within the space of a week. As we head towards strike action later on this month, I’ve had a lot of requests for printable poster versions of the questions for our schools to share with their communities – Click here to grab your FREE download!
These conversation prompts were designed to refocus the community on what’s actually going on in our classrooms today… not just the media spin on education & politics!
Kia kaha – get out there and tell it like it is!
EARLY JULY 2018: “Urgh – I made the mistake of reading some comments on social media this morning in regards to our amazing kiwi teachers planning strike action, and I’m more than a little alarmed at how out of touch some people seem to be!! 😲 Maybe these commentators no longer have kids at school? Or maybe they’re reflecting on their own schooling experiences from years ago? Either way, times have changed & what is now expected from teachers is not compatible with a healthy work/life balance. I’ve got SO much respect for our full time teachers also juggling family and life – a whole lot would need to change before I’d consider going back to work full time with a young family. So… if you’re feeling out of touch with what’s going on, find a teacher and talk to them about the issues they’re dealing with daily! Kua tae te wā – it’s time (for change) and you’ve got my full support” 🙌🙏💕👊
…and the follow up series! {Download a printable version here}
Whew! What a roller coaster ride the past few months have been for our teachers…😥
The following images are a quick condensed version of the journey to date!! 😮🙈 Anyone else got a good feeling about positive changes coming to the profession?! 💚 #itstime #loveourschools #gohugateacher
Teacher struggles 2019 – click here to find the full set of images in this series!
Teacher Struggles 2019 – click the link below to find the full set of images!

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