Spiders! {A booklet of activities celebrating the spider’s life cycle}


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Did you know that the world’s smallest spider species is about the same size as the full-stops on this page!

This 40+ page fun and facts booklet is most DEFINITELY NOT for the arachnophobes among us! It’s packed full of wide variety of activities all designed to support your class discussions and encounters with spiders… (and perfect for Halloween!)


Included are:

• Spider life cycle sequencing worksheets


42 page splendid spider booklet ~ page topics include:

• True or false spider questions (plus answers)

• What are the world records for the largest and smallest spiders? (Measuring challenge)

• Spider life cycle sequencing activities

• Places for recording notes and sticking photographs

• Spider anatomy labeling

• Ewwwww…… Did you know that spiders vomit up their digestive juices onto their crushed prey before drinking up the liquid? Make a spider soup challenge!

• Add the vowels to complete the spider words (plus answers)

• Where are spiders found around the world? Mapping activity

• Spider themed word find

• Collect some real spider webs to add to your booklet

• Go on a spider hunt! Sketch a map of the areas you found the least/most webs. Record and tally the different web types and spider species you find.

• Spider facts (e.g. did you know that a spider’s body has a coating of oil on it to help stop it from sticking to its own web?)

• That’s a lot of legs! Read the spider leg facts and then add the legs on to the spider body using the correct amount of segments, joints etc.

• Spider silk facts – did you know that even though all spiders make silk, not all of them spin webs?

• Add the other half on to complete the symmetrical spider

• How many adjectives can you think of to describe your spider?

• Spiders have 8 legs and 2 main body parts…. Use the ‘number 8’ trick to the help you remember

• What’s the difference between spiders and insects?

• A selection of spider themed coloring sheets

• Silly spider jokes

• What would you do if you were Spiderman or woman?

• A spider can/has/is – ideas recording sheet

• Record some key words about spiders

• Spiders are either Hunters or Trappers! What’s the difference?

• Use a magnifying glass to look closely at a spider or a web. Record what you can see.

• 10 fun spider challenges (Use your imagination to write a fictional story that explains why all spiders have 8 legs; Create an spider web artwork. You could use glue and glitter, cut patterns out of paper or use yarn or thread to weave a web.)

• Acrostic poem template

• Plus more….