Stick Insects {Fun & facts about Walking-Sticks, Stick-Bugs & Phasmids}


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Stick bugs, walking sticks or stick insects – whatever you call them, these amazing twig mimics lead fascinating lives…!

Did you know that in 2008, a newly discovered stick insect species from Borneo broke the record for longest insect? The ‘Chan’s megastick’ measures an incredible 22 in (55.8 cm) with its front legs extended! Packed full of interesting and unusual phasmid activities, this is the perfect booklet pack to support your current stick bug unit or to provide engaging learning experiences for your early finishers…


Included are:

• Stick bug life cycle sequencing worksheets (in black and white and color)


36 page Stick Bug Booklet ~ page topics include:

• In some parts of the world the stick insect is a popular pet! What do they need in their habitats to live comfortably? Research and then draw.

• Stick bug true or false questions (plus answers)

• Add sentences to match the pictures of the stick bug life cycle

• Information about stick insect coloring and camouflage

• Who’s who? Information about the insect species that are part of the phasmatodea super order

• A stick insect themed word find

• Legless! Information about how the stick bug can detach its legs to escape predators

• Complete the “A stick insect has/is/can” sheet

• Label the external anatomy of a stick bug

• Why would ants be involved in taking care of the stick bugs eggs? Read and find out!

• Add the vowels to complete the stick insect words

• How big is your stick bug? Sketch a ‘life sized’ picture of your insect

• Did you know that Stick insects hold the record for the longest insects in the world? In 2008, a newly discovered stick insect species from Borneo broke the record for longest insect. The ‘Chan’s megastick’, (Phobaeticus chani), measures an incredible 22 in (55.8 cm) with its front legs extended! Measuring challenge

• Meet the locals – record your local phasmid species

• What are spiracles and where are they located?

• Stick bug acrostic poem template

• A selection of stick insect coloring, sketching and writing pages

• Female stick insects don’t require a male to reproduce! Find out more about ‘parthenogenesis.’

• Fun facts about the phasmid family: E.g. Once a stick insect nymph has molted, it usually eats the cast off skin! This gives the stick insect some protein, and also gets rid of the evidence that there’s a soft, tasty and freshly molted insect nearby…

• I read……. Share your top 3 most interesting facts from your favorite non-fiction stick insect book

• What likes to prey on your local phasmid species?

• Where are stick insects found? What are these bugs they called in different parts of the world? Read the facts and mark the locations on the map.

• 10 stick insect challenges (e.g. Act out the life cycle of a stick insect. Share your acting with an audience. Write a fictional story to explain why stick insects are shaped like sticks. Make contact with a local entomologist. Ask them a question about this fascinating insect via e-mail, letter, phone or skype.)

• What’s that bad smell? Stick insects don’t bite, but they have other ways of defending themselves…

• Drop dead! Why do stick insects display this behavior?

• Stick insect facts in numbers (e.g. How many eggs do the females lay? How long do they live etc…)

• Complete the paint pallete to show the colors you can see on your stick bug

• What’s the coolest fact you’ve learned so far? Draw and label

• Use the zoom function on a digital camera to take a close up photo for your booklet

• Record some key words about the topic of phasmids