New Zealand Native Bugs {Fact Files & Task Cards}


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This set of NZ native bug fact file and task cards are the perfect addition to the kiwi classroom! Print, laminate and use to add to your displays, or to simply support your learning around our native wildlife. This set includes facts about 23 NZ native creepy crawlies PLUS a series of ‘I wonder…’ statements/questions for each bug – all designed to encourage deeper thinking about these amazing mini beasts. 

Please check out the preview for a closer look at the cards in this pack! This NZ bug themed facts card set includes: 

• 23 different native bug fact files + task cards including: Bee, Centipede, Cockroach, Dragonfly, Tunnel Web Spider, Katydid, Leaf Veined Slug, Mānuka Chafer Beetle, Orange Spotted Ladybird, Peripatus/Velvet Worm, Praying Mantis, Slater, Stick Insect, Worm, Weta, Puriri Moth, Huhu Beetle & Grub, Flax Snail, Kauri Snail, Cicada, Glowworms, Katipo Spider & Red Admiral Butterfly

• One side of the card contains basic facts about each bug (including alternative names that they’re known by, whether or not they’re an insect/nocturnal, their conservation status, predators/threats and special features

• The other side of the card contains 3 “I wonder” questions to prompt deeper thinking about each bug (e.g. Kauri Snail/Pūpūrangi: 1080 is a controversial poison used to control possums. How has it helped our native snail populations? Our kauri snail colonies have been cared for since the early 1980s. What has been done to protect these special snails from extinction? Do Kauri snails actually like to live near or eat Kauri trees?

• These cards are great as a quick 5 minute time fillers during transition times or as prompts for pair-sharing

• The “I wonder” side of the cards can be used as a spring board into independent research

• Make 2 copies of the cards (one sided) and use for playing ‘Memory’, ’Snap’ or ‘Go Fish’. Use the cards to buddy your kids up by handing out the cards and having them find the other half and share their information…

• Take your fact file cards with you during outdoor learning—simply print double sided, laminate and use a jump ring to connect them together at the corner. Store in your class library for easy referral. 

• Use the cards as inspiration for the children to design their own cards about a native bird of their choice…